A Cup of Comfort for Military Families
It has been said that military life is "not for the faint of heart."
But neither is it without its benefits and blessings. One thing is
certain: it is an experience like no other—for both the soldiers and
their families. For this book, we want positive stories about how
military life affects the personal lives of service men and women
(enlisted and officers), how family affects soldiers' on the job, and
how military life affects family members (primarily spouses, children,
and parents but also siblings, grandparents, grandchildren,
aunts/uncles, fiancés, etc.). Any situation or subject that is
significant and/or unique to military personnel and their loved ones
is acceptable. Our goal is to compile a collection of inspiring or
uplifting stories that cover a wide range of topics and reveal a
variety of perspectives, experiences, and emotions specific to
military families. Stories may be written by the service man or woman
or a close family member; military service may be current, recent, or
Military Families submission deadline: April 15, 2008 (last call)
Basic Guidelines
All Cup of Comfort stories must be original; true; appropriate for
mainstream Americans (adult, primarily women); inspiring, comforting,
and/or uplifting; and 1,000 to 2,000 words.
Creative nonfiction and narrative essays preferred (that is,
incorporating such fictive elements as scene, dialogue, character/plot
development, imagery, and literary word usage). Whether serious or
humorous, the story should be authentic and engaging.
Electronic submissions preferred. One submission per email. Copy and
paste (or type) into body of email. No formatting (no indents,
centering, doublespace, bold, underline, etc.). To: wordsinger@aol. com.
Mailed submissions are acceptable. Standard typed manuscript
(double-spaced, indents). Send as many submissions per envelope as
you'd like, but include one SASE per submission. To: Colleen Sell,
71563 London Rd., Cottage Grove, Oregon, 97424, USA.
Each submission must include: author's full name, mailing address,
email address, phone number, story title, story wordcount, and theme
of volume for which it is being submitted (i.e., Grieving Hearts).
In a related comfort story, I want to give a shout-out to Carolyn-Howard-Johnson's blog for graciously inviting me to be a guest blogger!
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